Thursday, February 11, 2010

back to designer 6i

I've started in a new workplace where i'm developing oracle forms applications using designer 6i.
I've used this tool in the past, and i'm happy to say that i'm glad to be back. It still amases me how productive you can be in this tool as a developer, sad that it's a stale product, no new features there from big O.

i'll be happy to hear from anyone who's used designer in the past, and who's moved on to other highly productive tools out there.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

simple full export/import of 11g database

The following script will make the nessecary database object for making a full backup set of a oracle 11g database on a windows machine.

log in as sys

create a directory object pointing to the direktory where the backup set is to be created

Create directory expdp_dir as  'C:\Oracle\backupset';

grant the nessecary priviliges to the system user

Grant read,write on directory expdp_dir to system;

finally from the command prompt

expdp system/manager DIRECTORY=expdp_dir DUMPFILE=expfull_DB.dmp FULL=y LOGFILE=expfull_DB.log

thats it!, two files expfull_DB.dmp and expfull_DB.log in the c:\oracle\backupset directory.

if you only want to backup a schema then use the following from the command prompt

C:\>expdp scott/toger DIRECTORY=expdp_dir DUMPFILE=scott_exp.dmp SCHEMAS=scott LOGFILE=scott_imp.log

Importing a backup set i equally simple

from the command prompt

impdp system/manager DIRECTORY=expdp_dir DUMPFILE=expfull_DB.dmp FULL=y LOGFILE=impfull_DB.log

and for a single schema

impdp scott/tiger DIRECTORY=expdp_dir DUMPFILE=scott_exp.dmp
SCHEMAS=scott LOGFILE=scott_imp.log